Friday 27 October 2017 | 26

Rally for the elephant Maya: let us hear about her suffering!

Rally for the elephant Maya: let us hear about her suffering!

Mis à jour le 05 April 2018

Saturday, October 28th, at 3.00 pm Place du Québec, Paris 6th, One Voice organizes a silent gathering to ask #JusticeForMaya. Let us be many to ask for her withdrawal from the circus. We owe her a peaceful end of life!

Hr blog

Emergency for Maya

For several months, One Voice has been fighting for the elephant Maya whose situation is worsening day by day in the circus that is holding her. Following the appeal we filed for her, the Judge ruled in favour of the Prefect and the circus. This decision protects the circus and not the elephant it should normally guarantee safety.

According to them, Maya is doing very well.

It seems obvious to us that by simply looking at the images filmed last September, it is not possible to reach this conclusion: she is an emaciated silhouette, her visible wounds, its position ... According to the specialists, her very fast swaying’s are not only related to her mental suffering. She is but a shadow of an elephant; you cannot doubt for a moment her pain?

True abuse - One Voice does not give up!

Dr. John Knight, an international wildlife veterinarian that we consulted says that Maya's condition is shameful. That she has an urgent need for veterinary and behavioural care and that her chains and her isolation are mistreatment! He goes so far as to ask the question of euthanasia if nothing was to be done to improve Maya's life. One Voice will fight to the end for her. Our legal team is preparing new actions, including appeals as early as November, with new opinions from international experts.

We will never give up on Maya! She is suffering, she needs us all. This is a real case of urgency. How long can she hold on in this circus?

See you tomorrow Saturday for Maya

Together, let us hear about the misery of this elephant with a silent gathering and have the petition signed by as many people as possible to ask the President of the Republic to intervene for her emergency withdrawal from the circus and her transfer to a sanctuary.

Hr blog

In the subject

The end of circus life for llamas, horses, cows and dromedaries abandoned by Cirque de Paris Justice for Jon, Céleste, Patty, Hannah, and Marli: hearing in Évreux against the Cirque de Paris

Comments 26

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Susan72 | Sunday 26 November 2017

La météo prévoit des températures glaciales toute la semaine.

Ralph Falck, qui prétend que Maya fait partie de sa famille, a-t-il prévu un abri chauffé pour elle et ses deux compagnes d'infortune, Nellie et Bridget?

Paul | Saturday 25 November 2017

Non à l'euthanasie. Il faut proposer cet animal à une réserve. Paul Birouste.

Mary | Friday 17 November 2017

ne peut on faire avancer la chose avec le journal local ou alors celui-ci s'en désintéresse-t-il ??

clo | Wednesday 15 November 2017

M Macron pourra t'il,pour une fois, être sensible à la souffrance animale ???
Le cirque a déclaré que l'état de Maya était simplement dû à son âge...ils ont donc reconnu qu'elle n'allait pas très bien. Et, dans ce cas, lui donner une retraite bien méritée dans un sanctuaire semblerait juste une normalité...